ACES Academy FAQ

Already registered for a webcast?  Follow these directions.

Have not registered for a webcast yet?  Follow these directions.

Getting an error when you try to register?  Follow these directions.


Follow these steps if you are an ACES Member or Nonmember and have already registered for a webcast:

  1. Login to the ACES Academy with the same login you used to register for the webcast(or your member login):
  2. Navigate to the Course List and search for the Webcast you have registered for, click on the Details button to view the course details.
  3. Find the red dropdown menu near the bottom of the page and click on the video.

  4. Once you have done this, the course will be added to ‘My Account’ in the top right of the page. You will be able to access the course at a later time under ‘My Courses’.

Getting an error message when you try to register for a webcast?

If you get a message similar to the following when you try to register for a webcast, that means you have already registered and can follow the steps above to access the webcast content. 

Follow these steps if you have not registered for a webcast before:

  1. Navigate to the Course List and search for the Live or Recorded Webcast you would like to register for. 
  2. Click on the Details button and scroll down register for the webcast by clicking “Click here to register for the webcast.”

  3. Return to ACES Academy and login with the same email you used to register with on the form and the password you created:
  4. Navigate back to the Course List and search for the Webcast you just registered for.
  5. Find the red dropdown menu near the bottom of the page and click on the video.

  6. Once you have done this, the course will be added to ‘My Account’ in the top right of the page. You will be able to access the course at a later time under ‘My Courses’.

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