Timeless basic math: Lessons from old math books

Date: Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Time: 4-5 p.m. Eastern

Description: The late Henry Fuhrmann was not only an accomplished editor, the leader of ACES’ Education Fund and a beloved mentor to countless editors inside and outside the ACES world, but he was a trained engineer who liked math. So among all the books in his estate were some titles that taught basic, timeless math lessons. I’ve updated my own math presentation with these lessons — there was a lot of overlap! — on percentages, averages, and more simple math that comes up regularly in copy but that is still so often wrong.  

Learning Objectives: 1. Learn how to calculate percentages. 2. Learn other basic math problems that you may encounter or that could just be handy to know. 3. Learn to think about how to present numbers.  

Cost: Free for ACES members/$30 for nonmembers

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About the presenter:

Neil Holdway is the president of ACES: The Society for Editing and the retired deputy managing editor of late news at the Daily Herald in suburban Chicago. He worked directly on editing and laying out the news publisher's front pages and the website’s home page while overseeing the production of the news, business, and sports sections, and other Daily Herald products. He has been on the board of ACES since 2005 -- as treasurer through 2015, as secretary from 2017 to 2021 and as vice president until 2022, when he became president. He also was the treasurer of the ACES Education Fund from 2005 to 2022. It’s his comfort with math that got him bookkeeping and tax work on the side as well as those treasurer roles.





Course Details

Timeless basic math: Lessons from old math books01:00:00
Timeless basic math: Lessons from old math books 01:00:00
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